The Very Good News - Gods Love
Pastor Ben continues our series, The Very Good News, unpacking how the cross is the ultimate example of love.
The Very Good News
Pastor Darren introduces our new series with an overview of how the ‘very good news’ fits into the biblical story.
God is with you
Pastor Darren talks about accessing the peace of God in our current crisis.
Unlocking Gods Wisdom
Wade talks about the key to unlocking Gods Wisdom in our everyday lives.
Book of Revelation
Shane Willard unpacks some of the history behind the book of Revelation.
Living in Gods Wisdom
Pastor Ben speaks about living in Gods wisdom when the worlds wisdom is often so different in values.
The Call of Wisdom
Wisdom calls to each and every one of us but only a few respond. In this teaching Pastor Darren encourages us to be one of the few.
Deliverance refined part 2
Shane Willard shines a fresh perspective on the Apostle Paul’s statement in Philippians 1:19-21.
Deliverance refined part 1
Shane Willard shines a fresh perspective on the Apostle Paul’s statement in Philippians 1:19-21.
Wisdom in the Bible
Pastor Darren kicks off the Wisdom series with an overview of the wisdom books.
Daily Devotion
Pastor Ben talks about the power of being faithful with the gifts that God has given us.
The Jesus you don't yet know
Pastor Darren talks about being open to discover and experience things not previously know.
Living at the well
Guest speaker Pastor Phil Mcllwraith encourages us to connect with Jesus who is the living water.
How to get unstuck
Guest speaker Lindy Harris speaks on how to move forward when life doesn’t go to plan due to unforseen or tragic events.